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Posters are the most cost-effective way to reach a large-scale audience, and with the right message and design, they’re quick to make an impact. Our short run posters are printed on a GMG colour managed HP Scitex 11000. Long run posters are available on a same day dispatch in A3, A2, A1, A0, 60x40 and 40x30 formats. Up to 10 posters can be ordered on either 250gsm silk, 220mic PVC or 400mic PVC. The PVC stocks are great for outdoor uses. Additional stocks and run lengths are available on our regular turnarounds.

Please note;

Once you have placed your order you will be directed to upload your artwork online via our 10 second proofing tool. You have until 5pm to approve your proof.

You can manually submit your artwork by sending it to

This must be with us no later than 1pm so that we can generate a proof back for you before 5pm otherwise delays will be incurred.

Finished Size: 1016mm x 762mm

Print: Four colour process (CMYK)

VAT: Included in price

Delivery: Included in price.

Our poster range is printed digitally on a wide format press.

Our lightbox graphics are printed on 300mic Backlit Polypropylene. Lightbox unit not included.

Turnaround times: Everything in your order must be signed off by 5pm or your order will be delayed until every item is approved.

Artwork can be uploaded and approved in your account area once your order has been paid for. Please note that only one design can be used per item.

Please set up your artwork to the following specifications:

Size with bleed: 1022mm x 768mm

Resolution: 150 dpi minimum

Format: PDF or JPEG

Colour: CMYK (RGB/Pantones will be converted during proofing)

Fonts: Outlined or Embedded

Bleed: 3mm

Safe Zone: 3mm

No printer marks

We offer a free artwork check for any enquiries over how your artwork will be printed, if you would like to use this service please email with your enquiry.


Once you have placed your order you will be directed to upload your artwork online via our 10 second proofing tool. You have until 5pm to approve your proof.


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